70% of those hospitalized with severe COVID illness are FULLY VACCINATED! .. untested vax mandates are inhumane
Below is a recent response I recieved from Matt Staver, Chairman of Liberty Counsel. They are doing great work helping people from the vaccine injuries. It is also a human rights matter, of which the Equal Employment rights are trampled and you may have a good lawsuit, so long as you don't quite and are clearly "terminated" against your will, and nothing in the termination can be twisted as quitting. However you can list the bullying and harassment for an upcoming class action suit. FDA approval only came to one version of pfizer and it doesn't count the required booster shot, once it has stopped working after 6 months, with each recipient only with 1/5th of their normal natural antibodies (according to leading vaccinologists Dr Malone, a leading vaccinologist warns that the vaccine causes the virus to be more dangerous.). This is just one method for members and supporters in Christ, who for our Spiritual convictions choose to obey God and trust the science that is only partially censored, and is readily available. Only a few figures like Biden are pushing everyone to trust them and get it anyways.
“I just want to cry every day,” writes a New York nurse who now lives in constant pain and vertigo as a result of taking the jab her hospital mandated.
Yesterday, a doctor friend of mine informed me that one of her colleagues succumbed to pressure, got the shot and died. And two nurses committed suicide over the relentless bullying they suffered for refusing to take the jab. We are fighting at an intense pace to save as many people as possible from the deadly shot mandates. We’ve received well over 15,000 desperate pleas for help from people forced to choose between their health or their job! Help us help them by supporting Liberty Counsel today. We NEVER charge for our legal services. Please give generously today so that tomorrow we may ALL be free from tyranny!
We got a request for help this weekend that made our staff stop, pause and pray against the deceitful, bullying spirit running rampant through our land. Derrick* contacted Liberty Counsel for help to escape the COVID shots his employer is demanding. Only 55% of his staff has agreed to take the shot, so his medical center’s management implemented a twisted coercion campaign focused on publicly guilting and shaming the unvaccinated. Derrick writes that management has made outrageously insulting claims that he and those like him are “low education people,” personally responsible for the spread of the “Delta variant.” At another hospital, two nurses, aged 24 and 27, committed suicide last week as a result of the inhumane bullying they received for their choice not to take the shot. Instead of the South Dakota hospital reversing its mandate, it sent a note to its staff reminding them not to bully. IT IS THE HOSPITAL’S MANDATE THAT IS BULLYING THESE HEALTH CARE HEROES! Sadly, many who caved to the pressure and got the shot are suffering ...
A California pain management doctor gave in to his hospital's demand and dropped dead after taking the shot.
A nurse in New York who fell in line with her employer’s demand now has constant debilitating vertigo and numbness in her hands and feet. An MRI revealed that her brain is shrinking! “I just want to cry every day,” she writes.
But at Derrick’s medical center, the pressure and the lies continue unabated. During a recent company town hall, a senior staff member said, “The vaccine is completely safe and is 100% effective against getting severe cases of COVID.” This is NOT TRUE!
THE SHOTS ARE NOT SAFE ... As of Aug. 20, 2021, the COVID shots have caused the 623,341 injuries, 55,821 hospitalizations and 13,627 deaths reported to VAERS. Historically, the VAERS numbers represent less than 1% of actual injuries. THE SHOTS ARE NOT EFFECTIVE ... The global data shows that those who have received the COVID jabs are the ones suffering the most from the “Delta variant.”
The Israeli Ministry of Health reports that 64.5% of those hospitalized and 67% of seriously ill people with COVID were “fully immunized” with both shots.
The British Health Ministry reports that 87.2% of active COVID cases are among “fully vaccinated” people.
Gibraltar, which leads the world with a 100% adult vaccination rate, is experiencing a shocking spike in the Delta variant.
Additional evidence comes from closer to home. Duke University reports that 304 undergraduates, 45 graduate students and 15 employees have tested positive. All but eight of these individuals were vaccinated. In Massachusetts, 74% of those infected with Delta were fully vaxxed.
DEFEAT the DECEIT! Support Liberty Counsel TODAY!
Oxford University Clinical Research Group published a preprint study in The Lancet. Those who had the shots carry 251 times the viral load in their noses compared to those who did not receive the shots. Hospitals that force staff to take the jab are endangering BOTH their employees and their patients. People are dying from the shot—and from the bullying tactics! HELP US HELP THESE COVID SHOT MANDATES. The volume and intensity of the pleas for help is both physically and emotionally taxing. We are working feverishly to save as many as we can. This is inhumane and evil. No one should be treated this way.
Our Challenge Grant will DOUBLE the IMPACT of your donation.
"... those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint" (Isa. 40:31).
Forwarded from:
Mat Staver Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel
Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination – A National Security Threat, Military article
Dr Malone, a leading vaccinologist warns that the vaccine causes the virus to be more dangerous.
Texas governor bans COVID-19 vaccine mandates regardless of approval status
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48 Footnotes need to be reckoned with! Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination – A National Security Threat CDR Jay Furman, USN* The forced vaccination of all military personnel with the present COVID-19 vaccines may compromise U.S. national security due to the unknown extent of serious vaccine complications. Further study is needed before committing the Total Force to […]
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Dr Malone, a leading vaccinologist warns that the vaccine causes the virus to be more dangerous.
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The Vaccine Causes The Virus To Be More Dangerous Bannons War Room Published July 28, 2021 587,007 Views SUBSCRIBE516KSHARE Dr Robert Malone, MD, MS Physician Scientist, Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology – a leading vaccinsologist, warns that the vaccine causes the virus to be more dangerous! A very good interview in Steve Bannon’s War Room https://rumble.com/vkfz1v-the-vaccine-causes-the-virus-to-be-more-dangerous.html Find […]
Texas governor bans COVID-19 vaccine mandates regardless of approval status
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Texas governor bans COVID-19 vaccine mandates regardless of approval status BY NATHANIEL WEIXEL – 08/25/21 04:52 PM EDT https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/569440-texas-governor-bans-covid-vaccine-mandates-regardless-of-approval-status Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) issued an executive order on Wednesday banning any governmental entity in the state from requiring a COVID-19 vaccine, regardless of its approval status. The move comes just days after the Food and Drug Administration […]
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
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