ADL Represents All Enemy Nations' "Unrestricted Warfare" Against America
Important Article: "Behind the Mask of Respectability: Truth about ADL
Behind the Mask of Respectability:
The truth about the Anti-Defamation League
Priory of Salem - Institute of Peace Studies, O.C.C. (Re-founded in 2011 at Mt Gibeon / Shiloh Israel, a Humanitarian Mission of the Brunswick Grand Commandery, Order of Knights Templar.)
(Editor's note: A lot of studies have been done since, showing the ADL's collaborating, enabling, and representing America's worst enemies. This is an older article from the early 2000s but still is totally relevant. Actually B'nai B'rith(Mossad) is the equivalent of America's CIA, part of the military as it relates to their actual military combat, doing covert fighting operations overseas. However only the Israeli government officially has laws that they may "assassinate" who they deem fit overseas. Proof has mounted that these "ADL Hit Lists" were admitted in letters from heads of the ADL to heads of the Mossad that their intelligence was used in their military strike operations in America. Much like China's unrestricted warfare tactics, they even go as far as to install multi-generational prosecutor and law enforcement networks in target areas. The funding from Israel and China is more advanced than the more well known George Soros funded prosecutors used to target political enemies.
Most of the aims of the ADL today would have been considered advocating felonies in all 50 states in the 1960s. This org has targeted those laws to change them. They call the good and lawful the Christian politics of America now "racist", (an old communist tactic stopping all honorable people, just by the mere accusation. destroying all their work till all implodes) as they used to destroy countries for a very long time. Their warfare propaganda campaigns for over 50 years against Americans espousing good Christian morals, has had their desired effect. Russia also installed well known Bolshevik and Soviet Israeli social engineers who fueled the massacre of 66 million Russians (who held dual American, Russian and Israeli citizenship also). Their propaganda worked against their target enemy. Americans now call every semblance of national survival something evil. It was admitted Stalin's ruthless foreign intervention programs (from the 1930s all black revolution groups trained in Russia for Black Revolution) took over the schools not only across all communist countries but exploited America's open system to take it over by the 1960s. Now children are taught to call evil what was always called good. These established enemy actors purposefully inflicted damages upon the nation, espousing covert crimes of forced integration etc(while fraudulently calling it humanitarian, destroying lives of both groups which thrived when their identities were respected unique and worthy of continuing as they may only as separate), programming policy by the purse strings (ie by the 90% Israeli owned Federal Reserve banking system / money system) to finance the populace to only be able to do things things which they would never unleash upon their own country. The damages are immense as counting in the 1960s most US states banned their acts of forced integration as actual felony crimes. It requires the lawful suppressing mass-felonies, repelling invasion, and in times of insurrection against the constitution / laws etc (or those inciting riots burning down all our cities, due to the fact they have demonized all police or laws just as "systemic white supremacy"). So the law prescribed it is necessary for the National guard or the larger portion thereof classified as the "unorganized militia" (Title 10 Section 311 b2) be "called forth" pursuant to laws that ensure the nation is protected from those that threaten it's very existence. (It's proven by the ADL's own letters, as non-compliant Mossad leaders did get fired and so lawsuits against the ADL and vice-versa when they chose not to collaborate on the hit jobs. Just check the dual citizenship status of several insurrectionists who made their way into the government, working in tandem with the aims of this foreign government. The actual military operations against US Citizens were boasted of as being done together with the US Government. The ADL was in fact indicted by the FBI for numerous felony cases of spying illegally against American citizens. Israelis don't give citizenship to just whoever wishes to come into their country, and also till the late 1960s - only whites could be naturalized or immigrate to America and recently reopened for debate by the Supreme Court. Each time they stretch what it means to have our national sovereignty destroyed they take it several steps further, as you see with the current border crimes. It may be since they're aligned with those foreign countries that these are the only ones who can be "removed" from office under the 14th Amendment, and not Trump. Trump was one of the only politicians to ever be treat Jewish financiers equally as everyone else, and this threatened them. Read the full article. See Appendix)
Full article “Behind the Mask of Respectability: The truth about the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith - THE RACIST JEWISH MAFIA!