Beaurocrat AI Policies Failing everywhere, no end in sight, "dumb-super-computer-AI" failed.
Catastrophic AI super-computers proven to be trillions of times less advanced as human brains
Stop the super cult faith in AI.
Hundreds of studies have come out, the latest was showcased by CNN demonstrating that the best super computer AI brains are fundamentally defective / and are instrumental in creating catastrophes. Those good honest ones who have taken oaths, whether to some local government in Europe to act with integrity, or a government person in the US, they all should know it’s about protecting life, not about protecting defective artificial entities to rule us.
As we’ve seen with so many choices with the financed agenda AI programming (green-war crimes, corrupt medical-financial crimes, subjugation to new extremist immoral ideologies to weaken / de-populate a foreign tribal group). It’s called a technocracy (programmed only with what you put in as multiple choice). Now across the European regions the food supply has been targeted. Thousands of farms are being removed and replaced with fake green energy plans and housing, all based on AI developed and other in-human beast (of Revelation) policies. The amount of policies we're under based on AI and careless unelected beaurocrats is astounding. Few places can actually reach their county elected officials with petitions to raise up to their state legislatures to reverse much of the damage. Not to mention making claims against the bankers that put in place century long agendas with direct aim at injuring, damaging, and perhaps destroying the future populations. It would seem they didn't even care if their multi-generational investments will succeed once they're long gone, but still they must pay damages to the officials of our tribes, just as they paid to indian chiefs. Check out
St. Andrew's OCC,
25m ·
Faith in AI has failed (although their beast policies still continue) as ChatGPT / AI silicone brains are proven to be trillions of times less advanced as human brains.
NOTE: ChatGPT has only a storage of 650GB of data, and it's millions of times less complete than an average human brain. Regular humans store about 2,500 Terabytes in our own brains, (that doesn't count what's recorded in the intestines and heart, which also stores data). Without regarding the above effective spiritual effect there is still plenty of data proving this.
An expert promoting an "orgonoid brain" that will be a cyborg type human tissue computer is what they're working on because of the facts any of the best AIs are trillions of times behind what the human brain can do.
These facts slipped out as he commenting promoting the orgonid brain idea on CNN the other day:
source articles are here:
“The brain is still unmatched by modern computers,” Hartung said.
“Brains also have an amazing capacity to store information, estimated at 2,500 (terabytes),” he added. “We’re reaching the physical limits of silicon computers because we cannot pack more transistors into a tiny chip.”
". ..a human brain is more energy efficient as well as better at learning and making complex logical decisions. Something as basic as being able to tell one animal from another is a task the human brain easily does that a computer cannot.
Frontier, a $600 million supercomputer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, weighs a hefty 8,000 pounds (3,629 kilograms), with each cabinet weighing the equivalent of two standard pickup trucks. The machine exceeded the computational capacity of a single human brain in June — but it used a million times more energy, Hartung said.