British Israelism Teaching, the Anglo Saxon Traditional Message of the Church
Traditional and Historic Church Doctrine on the true race of Israel, as taught by Millions
The church of the East and West has long celebrated the Celto Saxon and Kindred Peoples as being representative of the True Israel of God. Although this topic has been taught by millions we have lately found it covered up. That is very intolerant and non-inclusive to ban / censor and cover up thousands of books on the topic written by the mainstream leadership of the Orthodox English church! If you do a search in youtube for the topic of British Israelism it’s buried under dozens of videos done by non-genetic Israelites who hate the message of the historic British Israel church.
So help us get exposure by liking, subscribing and sharing to our video, which aims to break through this block on the “British Israelism” topic on youtube: (more on the topic on our site: British Israelism).
Herein you may find an unbiased disclosure of the traditional British Israel teaching taught by millions of British adherents of the Traditional Orthodox Anglican Religion. Thousands of books available on the topic:
Enjoy it!
Here is a study of the Celtic church which demonstrates a lot of proof of the continuity of the Celto-Saxon Israel doctrine.
Pastor Dan Gayman of COI gave a great sermon on this topic. You can watch this video for free on Rumble at: Note: COI has moved to Rumble, as Youtube started censoring the content on very trivial points (like 1 small comment about vaccines).
To take it a step further you can find an introductory book “The Anglo Israel Thesis” by Bishop Benson, below.
You may also like to read this superb article by the late Pastor Alan Campbell, “The True and Noble Origins of the Anglo-Israel Message”. Now you can see why our Anglo Israel movement has for Centuries had several million adherents and members.
Find Out the Roots of True Nationalism of Britain and the Commonwealth Nations:
In the article Campbell shows a lot of great older publications that show our beliefs aren’t some new cult at all.
He listed 7 Newspapers on the topic. I wanted to add 6 more for his list of monthly Newspapers on the British Israel message that are more than 100 years old:
1. Israel’s Identity Standard 1876
2. The Banner of Israel, by Anglo Israel Association 1877-1925, Later title National Message and Banner and National Message
3. Watchman of Ephraim 1866-1868
4. The British Ecclesia (Ed. W.T. Wiseman) 1905-06. Continued as The British-Israel Ecclesia March 1907-Oct. 1911
5. The Anglo Israel Ensign 1880
6. Life From the Dead 1873
British Israelism has for the last 2,000 years been an unavoidable truth that is becoming more and more plain for all to see. Over the last 200 years British Israelism has sparked so much interest that thousands of books were authored on this topic. Over the last 10-20 years in any major city you could watch the public TV broadcasts where this doctrinal belief was showcased. Numerous such TV broadcasts (watched by millions) have been ongoing over the last 50+ years. Numerous of these TV programs remain household names, reaching every area. Whether you saw it on Murray’s Shepherd’s Chapel, Armstrong’s WWCOG (now UCG), Jenning’s Truth In History, Peter’s Scriptures for America, Dr Gene Scott, America’s Promise, Heirs of the Kingdom syndicate, British Israel World Federation, Church of Israel, or yet other televangelists you will learn God’s church is always called Israel in the Bible.
Available for $11.99 on or via Watchman Outreach Ministries
We at St. Andrew’s OCC would like to recommend a great book demonstrating the Anglo Israel message to people who are new but interested in the topic. The Bible is a book of covenants and refers to the people of the book as it says “for their flesh Christ came… and to the Israelites pertain the adoption, covenants, giving of the law, promises etc…” (Romans 9:4-5) By knowing who Israel is, you prove God is real and has been true to His word. Also you may better know how God deals with the world, and how He trains His people who were given His laws exclusively, like “no other nation”(many verses). “My people perish for lack of knowledge” (Hos 4:6). “If ye continue in My word, ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”.(Joh 8:31-32)
From the Author, Reed Benson, M.A.:
If you are of Caucasian-European background, a magnificent bequest awaits you. It is a little known fact that Anglo-Saxon and related people of central and northwest Europe are direct genetic descendants of the ancient Israelites. Although this is not a new idea, it has been largely forgotten. This book presents powerful evidence from historical documentation, archaeology, linguistic analysis, as well as internal biblical evidence from both the Old and New Testament. The implications of this thesis will alter the way you view yourself, the Bible, and the world we live in. Anyone with an open mind will find the factual data irrefutable.
Read on. We have numerous other books freely available on this British Israel topic.
Books on British Israelism should be part of every Bible Believing Christian’s home library.
There is still much more, an endless fountain of knowledge in this topic that unlocks the Bible. 2,500 times the word “Israel” shows up in the Bible, but the word “Jew” shows up barely 30 times. The message is about victory in every area of life for His Christian true Israel people, to those who are honest about any bit of it. The blessings come through His people, and so as we are reduced, we see blessings retracting globally.
Yours in Christ
Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick