Pope clearly banned any homosexual couples in his statement. However the Republican sadist candidate for President, Chris Christie, never Trumper lies to the public.
C. Christie, who has the biggest microphone from democrats due to his anti-Trump rhetoric, now lied about the words of Pope Francis on homosexuals.
The pope said no same sex “couples can be blessed”, also that any spontaneous blessing of someone repenting from that lifestyle has to be unscheduled. These can only be to 1 individual, not a couple. These cannot pre planned blessings , and must be spontaneous based on one being penitent and turning from the sins of Sodom or homosexuality.
Although I'm not Roman Catholic but am Orthodox, I did a broadcast you can listen to here on the topic of the homo 5th column insurrection, now aided by C. Christie https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-m2y2f-154301b
Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick
St Andrew's OCC