Educational Information about the Orthodox Church of the Culdees
Want to learn more about the Orthodox Church of the Culdees?
If you're a member, remember you're an evangelist wherever you go. We are living epistles. As we are to "prove all things, holding fast that which is good" make sure you know the history of the Orthodox Church of the Culdees quite well. Then you can be that "workman that needeth not to be ashamed, who has rightly divided the word of truth.. who has studied to show themselves approved..."
If you're in our Orthodox family, remember when someone asks you what church you belong to, to answer with boldness:
"The Orthodox Church of the Culdees (it's Celtic)". The Celtic church is making a comeback, and the original American founders and protestant reformers were Neo Culdees. They followed an Orthodox Liturgy that many have lost sight of, as is found in our English Book of Common Prayer.
We are unifiers in any church, but our main day of worship is Saturday. This helps us blend with almost any church, to rent the sanctuary out for Saturdays, when the building is only occupied on Sundays.
We encourage everyone to learn about "the Sabbath in the Orthodox Church" ***FREE Online version of book by +Abp. S.M.
Together with other orthodox churches, we also have the practice of doing services on Saturday. As True Orthodox we have a more Culdean adherence to the daily and annual Hebrew Divine services. This is as indicated in the 1928 BCP(our English liturgy). In the Introduction it says that a Bishop or Archbishop may have additional (or fewer) feasts that can vary from the main BCP. Two of these points are agreement with the Canadian book of Common Prayer, the "Collect for Saturday", and the common usage of "Hear O Israel" before the Eucharistic Decalogue.
Our +Abp. Stephen Michael has been a part of the Culdean church for the last 25 years. He is a member of the AOC Holy Synod, and now also an associate minister within the Russian Church of True Orthodox Christians. He holds multiple canonical consecrations in the Orthodox Church. As our current Primace, you can read more of his background that is inserted in our general church history.
To learn more about our Celtic Orthodox Church (Culdees), you may wish to read several of the following:
Short History of the Orthodox Church of the Culdees (Celtic)
Columbanus and the Celtic Church’s, Quartodeciman (Nisan 14-20) Observance of Easter/Passover
Honoring of the Sabbath in the Historic Orthodox Church ***FREE Online version of book by +Abp. S.M.
TABERNACLES (RATHER THAN DECEMBER 25TH) was highly popular for Christians in all Orthodox areas - My article
Liturgical BCP Prayer, “THE SHAMA” A Prayer of Christendom and of the Culdees has been upheld from 450BC till this present day - My article
The (Apostles’ Didascalia) Amidah Prayers outline many of our existing prayer services of Christendom. - My article
The First Century “Didache” as is Accepted by TCAWW, the Culdee, and greater fellowship of churches. - My article
Succession of Our Book of Common Prayer, Our Primary Liturgy - our article
Hebrew Celtic Origins of the Christian Church - our article
The Celtic Church in Britain - amazon book link
St Joseph of Arimathea - amazon book link
The Origin and Early History of Christianity From Its Dawn to the Death of Augustine - amazon book link
Scottish Declaration of Independence, Scotland's Most Precious Possession - amazon book link
We are believers in the God of Israel and His commandment to keep the Sabbath holy. All religious denominations agree that is from Friday night sundown to Saturday night sundown. Most agree the Bible says that it has been for ever established. For example, see our primary liturgy, the Anglican Book of Common prayer, the “Collect for Saturday”. The Saturday Sabbath is the main reason we have in our culture the term “weekend” where the work days or “week days” are only Monday to Friday. God has preserved that sign that we are His people in every generation, for ever, as it says in Exodus 31:13 and Ezekiel 20:12. However today, few people know that it is still official orthodox doctrine that Saturday is the Sabbath.
The Sabbath was established before Moses and His Christian Israel church has also kept it in the ages thereafter. It is still kept, and the Bible says the Sabbath will continue to be kept by His people even when there is a “new heavens and new earth”.
Not only Jews and Seventh day Adventists teach this, but it is also taught in the Catholic and Orthodox church. Our main confession being the Apostles Creed, covers really all denominations. We do believe in a closed communion, and attendance should be by invitation only. This helps guard that people who come in truly are interested in being converted to the faith. Going through an instruction stage, getting baptised and/or confirmed is part of the process of becoming one of God’s faithful in the church.
The Sabbath has always been important to those who will be orthodox to our faith. It is, as we know, one of the bigger commandments. It is the 4th of the 10 commandments. Some of us must simply know our faith better, how it has been taught in every generation.
Since our forefathers dedicated our lands to Jesus Christ, it’s now more important than ever that we be responsible as a good example for God’s Kingdom. We are living in a time when there is great rebellion and falling away from His goodness. His wonderful laws are health and blessings for everyone. His love and goodness should be a bright shining example coming from us, to entice those of the world to come out of sins, confess all sins, and walk in the newness of life in the light of Christ’s law teachings.
We believe what has been taught in every generation, and that “there is no private interpretation of the word”.
Pray about it, and then if you know it would be good to gather together, then come gather together. We can also come to you. We have a church system that works for starting up new congregations for those who are qualified. We may also see opportunities to build and enhance existing fellowship groups.
We have an ordered structure that will help build assemblies in your area. Our main liturgy is the English Liturgy, the Book of Common prayer. Contact if you'd like to collaborate on starting a new assembly in your area. If you're new to the faith, we can see about recommending you to an assembly in your local area.