Goals and Missions in the Culdee Hebrew Ministry of TCAWW
Motivations of our Hebrew Culdee teaching ministry.
As heard every week on the Kingdom Message broadcast.
Our Mission
Fulfilling the Hebrew Prophecies and practices under our King Yahshua the Machiac, Praying and interceding for His ecclesia at morning and evening sacrifice confession and worship times, Being washed in the fountain of His blood and charging others in the rivers of living water that flow from us, Ushering in His Kingdom where not one jot or tittle passes until heaven and earth does pass away, Thanking Him for His Divine nature, praising Him for His great exploits, entering His courts boldly in power,
As Saints in the Light, raising up a witness of the Kingdom to all nations, before the end does come, As His Royal Priesthood, Holy Nation, called out of darkness and into His marvellous light, The assembly of the anointed, the congregation of the elohim where YAHWEH standeth, Possessors of the firstfruits of the Spirit, the soon adoption to wit, the redemption of our bodies, Speaking the same eternal word of YAHWEH, the same yesterday, today and for ever,
As Prophets speaking His word, as Priests, Ministering the word, and Ruling, by His word being done, Remembering they who went before us, the end of their conversation, and our unchanging Yahshua Machiac, Delighting greatly in all His law as King David, Solomon and all others under the rulership of the Kingdom, Meditating in His law, predating the Levites, but not excluding, which is our delight, that we might prosper, Worshiping in obedience as is our due service, under Yahshua our high priest after the Order of Melchizedek, Leading others to Him by our abundance of love, joy, and peace freely given, while needing nothing in return, Putting on the whole armor of Elohim, wherewith we patience defeat demonic hostilities and lies, with the truth, Advancing the dominion of our King, on earth as in heaven, His will to be done and Kingdom come, Being one in Christ as He is one with the Father, and we being one in Him, in the unity of the faith in Him, Exorting all to earnestly defend and promote the goodness of His law, the faith once delivered to the saints,
Lifting our voice as a trumpet to warn all against the heavy losses all believers sustain from tolerated unrighteousness, Proclaiming the truth that we must be holy as He is holy, not of our own carnal righteousness, but His righteousness, Giving freely, not letting our right hand know from our left, that our reward be of YAHWEH, and not of man, Leading by example, being a light to all, letting your good deeds shine before men that they may glorify God, Honoring our commission given by Yahshua to baptize all nations and teach them to obey the commandments, Condemning any tounge that rises against us, as no weapon can prosper against those whose righteousness is of Him, Proving all things, holding fast that which is good, openly and willingly searching the scriptures to see whether it is so, Trying the spirits to see whether they be of Elohim or of Satan, to stand based on truthful fact, not on emotional lies, Shining light against hostile snakes, and lions, as we run the race as overcommers, to be granted a seat on His throne, Not turning to the left nor to the right, removing our foot from evil, overcoming evil it with good and through holy separation, Being wise as serpents, gentle as doves, Not testing our Sovereign YAHWEH, though His angels guard our footsteps, Praying for the peace of our cities, multiplying children, building houses, doing good first to those who are in Christ, And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.
Partaking in the numerous covenants of blessings for obedience, being forced into blessings for Delighting in His Sabbath, Gathering at the called out times of assembly, to call others out, and meet on the appointments YAHWEH has made for ever, Doing well, in not eating things strangled, abstaining from blood, prospering in the dietary and cleanliness laws, Being in health even as our soul does prosper, as we pray and bless all food we do eat and drinks we drink, Learning His eternal covenants daily, and claiming our legal rights in Yahshua in His death, burial and resurrection,
Occupying till He does come, being good stewards, multiplying our talents, and immediately obeying His command, Studying the early faith in His Kingdom law governance over our peoples and nations, proving and loving it as good to all,
His word is a light to our path, enlightening the eyes to the riches of His saint's glory, in obedience, working His mighty power
Blessing, praising, and honoring our King Yahahua, for He is worthy, speaking of His good law governance all day long,
Praying for the saints worldwide in Kingdom context collectively as Our Father, that He leads and delivers US from evil,
For the covenants, the giving of the law, and the adoption pertaineth unto the flesh of Israel, church bride of Yahshua,
Whatever we do, we do it for His glory, and whatsoever we do in word or deed , do all in the name of YAHWEH YAHSHUA, Knowing His word does not return unto us void, our determination in all that we do and say accomplishes the measure The first commandment that Israel hear and obey, ye shall love YAHWEH your Elohim with all your strength and might,
Teaching repentance or that all will perish, praying for return to Christian society law governance of YAHWEH, Knowing He will only heal our land, when we turn and confess our wickedness and return to His Kingdom governance, Walking by faith in the reality of His word law, and not by the illusion of fleeting things seen or dreamed in this world, Awakening Zion, the place His law is enforced, ascending to the hill of YAHWEH with a pure heart, excelling in strength, Being led and empowered by the Holy Spirit, in the same resurrection power that raised Yahshua from the dead, Being cleansed, and renewed in the knowledge of the image of Elohim, till we are transformed into His same image, Doing greater works than He did as His united church body universal, united in the intentions of the heart for His ways, Making His enemies His footstool, by merely refusing to subscribe to their lies nor endorse their blatant crimes upon us, And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.