Grandparents of Rev Nott-Brunswick struck by lightening
As described by our Primace, Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick:
When my G.G.Grandpa Robert Nott and infant G.Grandpa George W Nott (6 months old) were both struck by lightening in 1909.
Baby Grandpa flew in the air together with his Mom a great distance, and flew farther from her arms as he received a more significant shock. He and his father (Great Grandpa and 2xGreat Grandpa Nott) were both struck by the lightening, Grandma was also effected by the bolt. They both recovered and served in the military and lived out long lives. He was great. I loved this Grandpa, when I was a kid he always brought me 5 dollar bills till I was around 9-10 years old, when he died. He and his wife, Grandma Brunswick had retired in Mineral Virginia, where also I visited.
Grandpa Robert Nott's mother Sarah Cochran (Celtic Chiefton family, Earls of Dundonald, that realm around Iona etc, younger branch), was of a persecuted Confederate family, who lost their pensions (including her Grandfather lost his pension from the war of 1812 for his loyalty to the South, the Confederacy and his state, above the new Federal Government). Robert had worked his way up as a hireling from around the age of 10 probably as a result of all the family fortune being in the Confederate money, that became worthless.
There they were as good stewards of what God had provided, this did not keep them down, but everything did excel.
My whole family has seemed to love Virginia, Alabama and Florida more than the North. I'm now back to our Southern roots with one of our main offices on Dixieland Rd.
Sign of things to come?