Happy Trumpets Feast 2015
Happy Trumpets Feast 2015. Today starts the ten days of awe we rehearse every year (ending in atonement, AKA the great and terrible day of YAHWEH, the day of His wrath) Now is an alarm day, YAHWEH fulfills it and works it every year. It's a day of new beginnings!
Hoping everyone has their Tabernacles feast plans in order. It's a pilgrimage and camping fest (as we do every year). Don't forget to gather the palm branches and willow branches etc, to make into booths. See you soon.
The last feast that was fulfilled was Pentecost, now the feast to be fulfilled is Trumpets, the elect will hear it and be changed. If there's anything to the blood moons then this tabernacles is it!
Abp. Stephen MK +++