Marilyn Monroe once said “I hate getting mad, it takes me like two and a half years to calm down”.
A lot of women are admitting to this. For an American man he’d be lucky if that’s coming from an American woman. Imagine when it's just 1 word they misunderstood when English wasn't their first language. No matter what kind of remediation activity is done, the woman still feel it years later. Even if it is years later, the man is treated as if it happened at that moment. The man is told it's the same as if it happened in the present moment. Also whether it was right or wrong that doesn't matter.
With that greater part about cultural differences, this is why the inheritance laws are impacted. The eternal laws of God in Holy Scripture specifies laws for Israel. It says that if you marry a different sub-tribe within your people, your children can't inherit the land attributed to your pure tribe. As per the Biblical land laws, only a true prince is allowed to draw borders of lands and allotment, and tenancy duties in true Israel. It's not a salvation issue, but a true grace working issue. If true grace is working this will be in your surroundings.
For a prince that rebels from doing all the laws of YHWH, there is a covenant that He will put down His house until they finally repent as a royal house should. It says that such affects the graces happening in the whole nation so long as they don't repent. However, it's promised that once the prince obeys His laws, then various national blessings will return etc. Per various covenants which says remain in every generation. Ignorance yes is bliss, but these things still happen. Also it's the rule book all angels enforce. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Not a salvation issue, but a grace issue.
At Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace studies, we go over many examples of history when nations are destroyed. We cover many angles of engineered “unrestricted warfare” tactics waged by foreign enemy nations. This includes buying out every bit of what we forfeit to a careless attitude toward our nation.
A chief achivement of the occupying communists was in 1952 they changed the US Naturalization requirements (long affirmed as correct by the US Supreme Court) to be open to non-Christians and non-white people. Till 1952 to be naturalized as a US Citizen you had to be “Free, White and Christian”, by law.
In 1923 The US Supreme Court had decided those “not descended of Adam / White” could not become US Citizens. This included a verdict that those from India are not of the true Caucasian Aryan branch race. This Supreme Court case “US vs BHAGAT SINGH THIND” cited the 1790 law that only “free whites” can be citizens, and persuant to that law striped the Indian of his citizenship. This case set the precedent that all Sikhs inside of America are also stripped of their US Citizenship. Until the 1965 Immigration Act all third world (non-white) immigration into America continued to banned and the requirements of naturalization and citizenship remained exclusive to Caucasians. Until 1968 most US states had laws against interracial marriage, and 28 states remained with laws that it’s a felony (5-10 years in prison sentence) for a Black to marry a White.
Every University in America taught there were Pre-Adamic Nations on earth before Adam-Man (Caucasian) came into the world.
The first thing that any occupying force has to do to finish conquering their foes is weaken the family structure. What is under the old regime they have to find ways to discredit as well as devalue. We see this in the status quo for in favor of a new Globalist Empire. This includes (WHO CCP) Pandemic Treaties, Central Bank Global Currencies, Politically manipulated Social Scores, Vaccine Passports, Climate emergencies, transhumanism/transgenderism etc. All of which uses fraud to so-called “redistribute the wealth”. Each scheme will have a new woke name, like “social justice” payback, climate equity etc. Same game, same goal: theft and destruction of citizens rights.
then find ways to gain ownership and devalue what is there. Typically women are more quickly coerced for the state to own everything and fall in line with the 10 planks of the communist manifesto. As men are getting feminized through additives, and gender dysphoria is up by 20,000%, we see men doing the same in greater numbers.
Once you allow enemy nations to also take control of your property, this leads to various other schemes with the ultimate goals of conquering your nation. Globalist elite don’t care about such family or cultural items. The interests of such corrupt individuals are only about profiting off of the destruction, and reward their fellow communist (or globalist empire collusion) co-conspirators. The list of laws being broken are very long.
All it takes is repentance in the truly Divinely entitled houses. Pray daily for His true sovereignties, with the true rights and powers. Christ will come back as King of kings and Lord of lords. Not king of other types of governance.
Take care and May YHWH Bless
Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick
St Andrew’s OCC