Inter-racial marriage is now illegal?
Analysis by the Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies
A Special Report as syndicated by Watchman News and on Youtube:
God's punishments for His people's abominations are abundant. With our Spiritually opened eyes we behold and see the reward (punishments) of the wicked(Psalm 91). According to the CDC headlines, the monkey pox virus exclusively effects those living in homes (or heavily working together with those) involved in the illegal practices of same sex marriage.
A major topic that seems to have been forgotten for a while was the legal loopholes on interracial marriage. It has received little attention till the overturning of Roe vs Wade and implementation of the Glucksberg test.
Headlines are everywhere declaring that Interracial marriage is now under attack. This easy to understand analysis by Priory of Salem shows you why they are so afraid.
Sample Letter you can send to the Senators, or sign our CitizenGo petition with 1 click:
US Senators Please VOTE NO on Same Sex Marriage Bill, and any new bills that "Re-Define Holy Matrimony"!
Firstly a bill that would "create new rights" to combat the Court whose job it is to interpret if your laws are not infringing Constitutional rights, is proving it is dead on arrival.
However, such a bill would require government "Guarantees" to "protect and defend" radical new beliefs against the "established definitions" universally held.
Since what's under assault is itself a universal "establishment of religion" known as Holy Matrimony, it's unconstitutional for the Federal Government to make laws surrounding it. The bill would be DOA (or soon afterwards) since the Bill contains terms that are directly the opposite of the standard definitions and understandings at every time, and especially are in the Founding Fathers' definitions.
The Supreme Court's overturn of Roe v. Wade and the Glucksberg test made it clear that any new personal fantasies (however unnatural or against the Creator, and founder's definitions of liberty they are) are not automatic protected rights that must be guaranteed by the Government, guaranteed wherever they go, no matter how abnoxious they are in pushing it, and especially not for Government to block any Dictionary definition that destroys it's foundation at the source. It isn't for Government to be "thought police" to camp out in every private space of those who have different "beliefs" from the standard dictionary definitions, and to protect those new definitions far above the protecting of the actual definitions.
However the new Unconstitutional law is making its way through the Federal system. First the law passed in the Congress called "Respect for Marriage" (it's an inaccurate name, as it's actually desecration of the universal Establishment of Religion known as "Holy Matrimony").
When this gets passed, then the great majority of all liturgy books of the world will now be illegal "hate speech". Anyone reading from the Holy Bible or the standard marriage liturgy could probably get fined, if not imprisoned if this evil bill gets passed. It will take a long time of appeals, and Billions of dollars of damages in the process, until it sorts back to the compass of the Constitution.
You didn't think the Bible would get banned, well here's the proof of a covert attempt to do it.
The universally used Marriage liturgy (ceremony) includes the time of pause at every service. The priest declares and announces that "If anyone knows a reason the two cannot lawfully be joined they're also to speak up or for ever hold their peace." So this would ban our religious practice, as coming as a prohibition against our Establishment of Religion. So if this passes then suddenly we can get sued or arrested for participating in any service that has these words in the ceremony.
The Bill (as unConstitutional as it is) is not what's enumerated in the Constitution. In fact it goes dead against it on many points. It's not automatically a guaranteed right to have divergent practices and force everyone in the country to give it a new definition called "holy matrimony".
They tried doing this in France that any time someone had a new idea they would run to the government to make it a guaranteed right (this led to the French Revolution and butchering much of their population which they considered 'privileged').
Limitless unenumerated "new fantasies" becoming a "Government guaranteed right" at every whim of a population, (even though these are clearly understood as not from the Creator nor from Natural law, aren't automatically to usurp against the rights of others' rights that are enumerated. However there are plenty of protections in the legal systems that exist for people to take cases to court if their Constitutional rights actually were violated (whether against one party or the other). Be ready for a long wait for justice, and it may take many appeals, like happened to the Christian bakers on so many technicalities, attacking their artwork. There were many planned copy cat attacks on Christian owned companies and the damages can all stem back to these unconstitutional Acts put forth by renegade public servants who are waging insurrection against the Constitution.
The more this grows, the more difficult to get cases through for actual justice. Due to unConstitutional Acts like this Bill, it makes it harder for stopping persecutions against Religious believers. It also makes lesser chances for victory in court, when public opinion increases against us. It's already damaging that such a bill is being considered. The public is taught that the religious are in what's considered a majority group (or what the public are told are the "oppressors group", as is in the common CRT teachings gaining acceptance in schools). So with the victim mentality of the radical leftists (as supposedly against the bigger oppressor) increases their bully game, and they demonize the good integrity of the faithful believers. When actually it's proven the minority is actually the faithful. The incentives for doing more crimes against the Constitution, does not change that those acting against our Constitutional rights can be sued even more heavily once they are caught.
The Glucksberg test says that the unenumerated rights (not found in the Constitution) that are still fundamental protections of the Constitution, would be: “deeply rooted in this Nation's history and tradition” and “implicit in the concept of ordered liberty.” (This is what will prevail in court. All courts have to obey it. So this is a chance liberty may be getting restored again in America. Sins were never called liberty anywhere. Universally well known sins were called bondage.)
Removing the definitions of the Founder's understanding of the unalienable rights from the Creator is to wage insurrection against the Constitution. Those violating the Constitution in their office can be immediately removed from office (according to the 14th Amendment). They cannot be restored back to their position without a 2/3rd majority vote of the Congress.
It is not difficult to prove this is against the founder's definition of liberty, as even 100 years after the 14th Amendment was passed, interracial marriage remained a major felony in 28 states, and was illegal in 48 states. These are the true interpretations of the Constitution, especially when there were hundreds of years of consistent precedents of the Supreme Court that ensured the state legislatures were passing Constitutional laws.
The understanding of liberty, as from America's first Constitution in 1639 includes the text: "for liberty and purity of the Gospel". This was not misunderstood for nearly the whole period from then until today, as is in the law itself. The Supreme Court has just fixed t back to the legal Constitutional definitions. Don't drop the ball now.
This Bill would restrict Christian liberty, and expand the bullying and harassment against people of faith (who are faithful to the universal definitions).
Yours in Christ
HMSH Rev Dr Stephen MK d’Guelph Brunswick
Primace, OCC