Mask Zones Need to Be Declared NO GO ZONES for the seeable future.
Mask Zones Need to Be Declared NO GO ZONES for the seeable future.
Did Christ ever hang out in a leper camp? No. Did he ever touch one? only once, and said for him to go and do all the things for purification (sacrifices, washings, double inspections etc) to get declared clean by a Levitical priest according to the law (saith the Christ). Elijah only healed one leper, a foreign Syrian, and he only did it through a servant commanding him to wash in the river 7 times. No contact.
Everyone please pray and do your best to stay out of places wherever there are a lot of masks (abusively / incorrectly) worn. Super bacterias spread in them like mad. YAHWEH doesn't say we should enter such places, and if it was a need then I think only super quick, and repent so you don't have to return, He will provide much better supplies if you pray and ask, and look ("seek and ye shall find")....
Even if you're a medical professional who knows how not to use them, and replaces them every 30 minutes, it all goes up whenever there's just 1 who doesn't know how to use it, or wears while sick themselves. If they would take a sample of air particles in there they would shut down the walmarts permanently.
We are rarely going to Walmart and if so, only for pickup. I advise the same till the masks are gone and other environmental factors like 5g microwave radiation they realize shouldn't be cooking their clients (as that ensures the bacteria turns into super bacteria).
Maybe it's not as extreme as lepers but not safe and not good to stay super long periods where we know we shouldn't.
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