Membership / Involvement and Subscription
To strengthen your God given rights of Freedom of Association we recommend joining together with likeminded churches in unity in the real world.
We've found that social media is not a place to gain true contacts, as it gets swallowed by the platform and lost to the users, the algorithm, and ultimately MUCH incorrect CENSORSHIP! However, if you still like the Anti-Social Media like facebook, twitter, mewe or others stuck in the planned bubble echo chambers, then you can still get in contact with us there also. There's still some very limited/controlled/blocked outreach possible that can be done via those platforms, expanding fellowship there in groups etc.)
To start the process of gaining real Association within this Ministry please fill in the below information. We may reply by e-mail requesting more information, depending on your interests:
IMPORTANT SIGNUP FORM, For Stage 1 Inquirers:
Social media accounts
Receive Newsletter by Postal Mail? Yes/No? Yes No
Full Postal Mailing Address
Book Club (free books) Effective Social Outreach Club Yes No
Interest in volunteer activities? Yes/No? Yes No
Will you be a regular contributor? Yes/No/Possibly? Yes No Possibly
How long have you been a Christian?
Are you baptized or confirmed? Yes/Not Yet/Catechumen/Refusing? Both Baptized Catechumen Refusing
Did your baptism/confirmation vows include turning from all sins 1John 3:4 "sin is transgression of the law"? Yes/No/still need to confirm validly Yes No Confirming
Will you do minimum 2x per day prayers? Yes/No/More Yes No More
Do you delight greatly in all of God's (mostly Nationalistic) laws? Yes/No/Learning Yes No Learning
Do you agree with the British Israel(and Kindred) identity message? Yes/No/Want to learn more Yes No Maybe
Do you believe in keeping the Sabbath holy (and all 10 commandments?) Yes/No/Want to learn more Yes No Maybe
Do you feel called to work in ministry? Yes/No/Other Yes No Other
Do you have political affiliations or various other memberships you want to share?
Race / Ethnic background
Do you wish to receive information to apply to Priory of Salem? Education Yes/No? Yes No
Apply to Templar Order, sending $50 application fee and resume? Humanitarian Yes/No? Yes No
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