**mp3** "Back To Basics" A Talk on Eternal Salvation
For new believers we hope you're not left without help or a guide. While it does say we all need to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, everyone should be aware of the basics to assure you're following the Biblical model of conversion.
In this mp3 Rev Stephen Michael covers the important beginning of Salvation (only through the blood of Jesus Christ). He mentions many often overlooked and empowering items that we now have in Christ, and we think this will be a great encouragement to any listener.
Click here to listen to "Back To Basics" mp3
If you need help with any of the items such as saying the sinners prayer, knowing the power of His blood sacrifice for you, repenting and confessing sin to God, knowing your position as born again in Him, the filling of the Holy Spirit, the casting out of evil spirits, growing by the milk and meat of the word, the taking of the holy communion, baptism, local church(assembly) support or other items, then please send an email to minister@christsassembly.com
It is best to schedule a counselling appointment for such items. There is no question that is inappropriate in this regard. All is welcome.
If after listening to this message you have dedicated your life to Him then praise YAHWEH and we welcome you to the fold.
The primary parts of locking in your eternal salvation is Praying simply to God and confessing to Him you realize you're born into fallen man creation , or as a sinner. You tell God that you recieve the pentalty Christ did for you on the cross, and that you will learn to live by His word, being transformed daily. Declaring Jesus (YAHWEH Yasha) to be King of your life from this day forward.
If you have said such a prayer then you have locked in your salvation eternally, and now the rest of the good works should follow in due course. Normally it includes confessing Him before men that He is your King. It includes now exercising that salvation work into your mind and into your body, social and financial parts of your life as well! More of heaven on earth, saying the daily prayer our King gave us, and we will see it more lining up with His blessings purchased for you at the cross. You'll recieve the promises in the older covenants and newer covenants included. Just don't give up when you don't see His provisions, you press on because there's an angel waiting for you to pray correctly according to the word of God.
A big part of God's order is the 10 Commandments, especially the weekly Sabbath 7th day where you can get the milk and meat of the word of God to grow up into maturity and be strengthened by His ressurection power. Listen to our mp3s and learn what your spirit looks like, how it operates and know your position in Him. Many are called but few are chosen.