New Law: Your Church can Advertise Racial Segregation, and any who block it can be sued
New Law: Your Church can Advertise Racial Segregation, and any who block it can be sued
NEW LAW: It's protected speech to advertise that your church EXCLUDES all types of services for interracial married couples. - Respect For Marriage Act 2022.
Also your church can in no way be intimidated to "accommodate" or be induced to celebrate, condone, include, or even affirm such acts to be valid or illegal under the jurisdictions of any such church related activity (including teachings, assemblies, evangelistic outreaches, volunteer charity work, counselling, baptisms, communion, or other services).
Furthermore according to FADA (First Amendment Defense Act) No Federal Agency can target you, or your church, or other religious organization in any way as to alter our rights, for the basis of being against any "sexual relations before marriage", or against any "same sex marriages" as long as it truly is a "deeply held religious view".
If any such agency still has mistreated you based on it, this can go directly to lawsuit to claim damages under this Act. These laws keep it clear what has always been historically the norm as for 90% of our Nation's history interracial marriage has been a felony crime, often resulting in 10 year jail sentences for the minister as well as other participants conspiring to commit such felony crimes.
These laws clarify our continued regular practices in agreement with Nature's law and Nature's God and the inalienable rights given for His Creation(Constitution's Preamble). The law as enforceable now in every court in America now obeys the latest Supreme Court Precedent in the Roe v. Wade Overturn, chiefly that it is a not protected right, if it is a practice that is not "deeply rooted in the history and traditions of our people" (reaffirming the 1999 Glucksburg Precedent).
The Natural rights to the historic laws of our Creator and the inalienable rights prescribed in His laws are the enumerated unalienable rights. These are the latest round of highest court rulings that therefore affirms such Biblical rights are the only true guaranteed rights, and that the new unnatural ideas (like killing babies who escape abortion etc, or as in interracial marriage frauds giving your heritage to aliens etc, and the same sex marriage acts, or "any sexual relations, or any sexual touching before marriage") are not otherwise protected as rights under the Constitution (or any court in the land) as each of these are diametrically opposed to the inalienable rights that have always been deeply rooted in the history and traditions of the people.
As it has always been taught, so we continue.
Kind regards and may God Bless the faithful in Christ,
Rev Dr Stephen MK d’Guelph Brunswick
Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies.