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News updates, South Africa, 27 April 2019
"It was better for us during apartheid. We now live like dogs here. We don't have freedom, we néver had freedom, thén and nów", says this black man on Freedom Day 2019.
"During apartheid, the streets were clean, now we don't clean it here.' 27 April 2019.
Reported by @eNCA news agency
view video via @AdrianaStuijt on twitter link:
Ruling African National Congress party secretary general:
"Black people now are smarter than white people: Black pupils are excelling in maths and science'. He also called for their former ANC-youth league leader Julius Malema to return to the fold:
Report by Ngwako Modjadji 20190426
27 April 2019 - "The secretary-general of the ruling African National Congress party-alliance of South Africa, Ace Magashule, "revealed that the party wants EFF leader Julius Malema to return to the divided organisation.
“I love Julius. I am talking to him to return home,” Magashule said. He said Malema must come back to the ANC with his supporters. Magashule, who was flanked by national executive committee members Dakota Legoete and Obed Bapela, Umkhonto weSizwe Military Veterans’ Association spokesman Carl Niehaus and provincial leaders such as Kenetswe Mosenogi, told ANC supporters while on the campaign trail in Ikageng township, in Tlokwe, North West today that he “loves” Malema.
This week, Malema also said the EFF would consider coalition talks with the ANC after the May 8 general elections.
In 2012, Malema was expelled from his position as ANC Youth League president, as well as from the party, for sowing divisions and bringing the party into disrepute."
Magashule said "black people were now smarter than white people. He said black pupils had proven former National Party leader Hendrik Verwoerd wrong by excelling in maths and science.
Verwoerd is crazy wherever he is. If we teach our children correctly, everything will be fine.”
He said he wanted to see a lot of engineering and economics graduates.
Advertisement banned from South Africa's state-owned broadcaster, SABC in 2004:
Posted on twitter by @AdvBarryRoux