Review: "The Culdee Church of Ireland and Scotland" by Dr Moore
A study of British Celto-Saxon reference material, the True Israel of God
Free PDF book on British Israel and the Celtic Church, as widely understood 150 years ago.
Note: Attn Priory of Salem students, don't forget to send in your book reviews and keep on top of past readings. Best to send in your book reviews or summaries on a regular basis to stay in good standing. Typically the Culdees of any local jurisdiction kept no more than a dozen full students. We may be trimming our list soon for those we haven't heard from. We have a dozen other books and works being published on the related topics of the Celtic true Israel tribes, fulfilling prophecy of Davidic Royals and Levitical Priests (or sons of the Prophets) as it was foretold we of the true Israel would all move NorthWest to be a multitude of mighty nations that would bless the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching them to obey all that is commanded by God (Great commission to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel / true goyim/ gentilis gentry of Israel nations).
As sent to our British Israel Book Club members:
THE CULDEE CHURCH: or the Historical Connection of Modern Presbyterian Churches with Those of the Apostolic Times, Through the Church of Scotland
This book was a good attempt, from the basic historical records readily available in the libraries 150 years ago to any common Presbyterian Minister or Teacher. This book highlights the Celts ancient history back to Israel, as well Culdees (Celtic) church Independence and preeminence. The author compares the Culdees more to be in common with the Greek Orthodox rather than the Latin Roman church. The Celts demonstrated a semi-sovereign stature throughout the ages within the Celtic church. It wasn't till 1949 that the Irish church succumbed to Rome fully. However till then the Culdees Primatial Office as coarbs of Patrick at Armagh, (with Levitical and Royal genealogical claims to the ancient houses in each generation) so continuously claimed jurisdiction over all of the hundreds of institutions the Irish Culdees had founded on the Continent, England, Scotland and Wales. Today numerous other churches do the same, and call themselves "denominations" of varying degrees, which is in itself just another religious wording of the way the Orthodox have always maintained some sort of independent rule for their schools. This too reigned true throughout the ages, whether they were part of a larger regional autonomous or other Primatial, or are of a continuing tradition of entirely independent and senior abbacies, or other religious administration documented in Orthodox practice. As so the church of the Culdees has continued in our own local jurisdictions, abbeys, and other independent schools (priories), regardless of what other churches or governments have done.
You may find a lot more greater scholarship on the topic from our online library at
Herein you may read more about the real History of the Christian Gospel brought to Ireland in the 1st Century, Centuries before Rome's gospel arrived . . . Israelite origins of the Irish people - Tribes of Dan, Judah-Zerah . . . Repairing the Breach - Jeremiah the Prophet, known in Irish History as Ollam Fodlah, accompanied by Baruch (Brugh) his scribe, brings Tea Tephi the Judahite daughter of king Zedekiah of Judah to Ireland (then called Hibernia, 'Hebrew's Land') after the taking away captive of the Israelite tribes Judah and Benjamin from the two-tribe southern Kingdom of Judah unto Babylon circa 586 B.C. . . . Officiates Tea's marriage to high-king of Ireland Eaochaid the Harriman of the Judah-Pharez line...[pdf-embedder url=""]
download full pdf of The Culdees Church of Ireland and Scotland
Stay tuned:
We have several upcoming articles on the topic of the House of O'Neill (Levitical and Royal) being documented in the genealogies of every ancient Welsh, Irish and Scottish Saint, as well those in several other church offices under their church jurisdiction abroad.
If you wish to help any of our books gain a wider audience and distribution there are many possibilities. We look forward to your contact.