Sept 11th 2021, TALIBAN AWARD DAY! $7 Billion Worth of NATO Weapons(tanks, artillery, armored vehicles, helicopters, fighter jets) GIFTED by Joe Biden to the Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters
The same way Obama gave ISIS their weapons, Biden follows suit
A Public Service announcement from the Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies.
Peace through truth and reconciliation.
Exactly 1 year ago Biden complied with the Taliban’s deadline of “September 11th” for Americans to get out of Afghanistan. The Military left before the American civilian workers. Biden also abruptly left behind more weapons for the Taliban than what’s found in the whole of NATO. $7 Billion dollars of the best NATO military equipment was handed over to the Taliban and Al Qaeda. This is not right wing conservative information. Even the most ideologically radical leftist slanted networks published it:
He did a similar pullout together with Obama, which created the ISIS army, in the vaccum of available weapons and the food crisis. Obama-Biden also left Billions of dollars worth of equipment in the war torn area of Iraq, which created ISIS.
The ‘Arab Spring’ was manufactured by this fact, and one other important item:
The very few percent increase of the cost of grain empowered and motivated ISIS to action.
Now we see a greater threat as 98% of the grain to the Arab world is supplied by either Russia or Ukraine, and $7 Billion in equipment gifted to the Afghans. Besides this, most of Europe has made exporting grain illegal to help save on carbon emissions. (the 0.0% of carbon emissions are man-made, but that 0.0x% is a good excuse to seize lands and declare 30% of all European lands a place for a few elites to build “green zone projects” which are often relabeled as migrant zones, as repayment as communists scream “the weather is your fault”. These new 2030 called the “30-30 Plan” was pledged by the UK, many EU countries, including Joe Biden. Although they can’t prove how the 0.0x% of manmade emissions impacted it, they’re glad for the “economic boost”, taking away of basic citizenship rights of citizens etc etc.) With the swipe of a pen, the basic rights of a citizen are now gone. Didn’t people want to be a citizen so they could own their lands? Farmers in Kansas are wondering, just like the farmers in the Netherlands. Probably they should be talking to some Real Estate Attorneys, ones specializing in Public domain, as 2030 is coming around quick!
Although Sept 11th has lately been a day of defeat, Western Christians remember these 3 great days pushing back Muslim invaders (Read more about the big defeats of the biggest Muslim invasions.)
We have Poland to thank, for saving the West from it’s idiocy! The EU has just sanctioned Poland and Hungary for taking in too many Christian refugees (from their Neighbor Ukraine) while not accepting illegal muslim migrants (fake refugees) who already stopped in their first safe country elsewhere, and would not legally be actual refugees as so far from their Arab safe neighboring countries, and now 10 other safe countries they stopped in along the way. Poland was one of the few countries today who didn’t bring in Muslim refugees, while their own people were suffering. EU Court Denies Appeal of Poland and Hungary against the devastating sanctions, costing each country many Billions of Euros.
The EU also sanctions Hungary and Poland for having actual equality for those who don’t believe in the new definitions overtaking the dictionaries in progressive countries. Simply for having LBTQ ideology free zones (meaning not forced to deny biological gender citizenship rights on threat of imprisonment and seizure of land, based on the establishment of religion on the matter) available. These are more attacks from foreign nations to destroy from within, pulling the strings abroad.
A fact of history was there were 3 occasions on September 11th that Poland saved Europe from being annihilated, as every Western author agreed.
While Christians remember those 3 days.
Islamists remember these 3 days:
Read more about this by Bill Federer at: