Any "golden age" has to do with returning to Christian law and keeping Usury illegal. Meaning no bank or any person whatsoever could charge interest on the local citizens. Under today’s globalist marxist system your credit-debt-money, and your assets are owned by foreign enemy nations via the global debt system (slavery). Some call it Central Bank Credit Fraud, others just call it theft.
If you think you own it, or that the current regime can protect it from being seized, then just try missing 1 monthly (house or tax related) payment. You’ll then find out how quick you're living in a system more harsh than the lowest serfs had under feudalism. In many circumstances you can be evicted (or whole residence seized) regarding 1 monthly payment.
On a normal practical note, it's best to live debt free on your own property so this is reduced. My reasons for building houses on my lands are mainly what's a Biblical foundation to make sure the children who will get married live in their own debt free homes. It was nothing special, but the minimal.
Even the lowest serfs didn't pay for housing like today, let alone any peasants. People had to be secure in their houses, living debt free, for all their children. Otherwise, no one would volunteer to fight in any war on it’s behalf. For what? protecting debt slavery worse than the world has ever seen? Debt slavery guaranteed to be worse for your heirs? And debt slavery to whom? unknown enemy nations that own and exploit you and your families for any scheme they can find to weaken (rob, steal and destroy)?
Today you see so much homelessness due to the fact that within 1 month of missing payments you can be evicted of your home. No lord under the most asture forms of feudalism ever evicted a tenant on a month notice. The lords would understand if there wasn't much profits in a year, and always made sure their tenants had enough to survive on. Today it's not the case, the bank will evict or foreclose based on one monthly payment. Under feudalism it was more of a smaller annual due, out of that which came out of what the lord provided for them to use. If they couldn't pay it one year they typically would never be evicted. There may have been some situation where if it re-occured over several years, they would be evicted. However nothing like today.
In feudal times they had maybe a small duty, but no payment to a bank. That was called sin (or national level sin). They had their lot and handed down their lands through the family. For locals to pay interest it was illegal, only foreigners had to pay interest (not only European but also Bible law). At any time in European (or Christian) history. Not even the lowest worst slaves had to pay money to keep their homes from being seized. It's a curse. So try to keep a top priority of restoring Biblical ownership (the antithesis of the current Marxism), for everything else to work out. As when there's a little sin, then there's a lot more possible. If it's a second house on a loan then I understand, but not the main house.
Enjoy this note from my ancestor Lord Mayor John Nott, "Nott's bye-law against usury". The Bible says speak good of your ancestors. Praise our King Jesus for His faithfulness to His covenants in every generation. If we are humble, we will.
Read this article at: John Nott de Arden’s Bye-law against usury, as Sheriff and Mayor of London
Many Societal Problems Solved:
The main planks of the communist manifesto included abolishing private property ownership and inheritance. Owning your debt-free home through inheritance solves a lot of the problems in the system. Here are a few more. Parents would have more free time to raise their children, rather than be surrounded to be raised by bi-sexual and muslim grooming gangs. If we weren't in the debt housing system, and owned at least our first house (with zero debt, interest or tax) then there wouldn't be the pressure to reduce care of the children, in the community. That's especially more relaxed when they're not able to get evicted from their homes over a monthly payment or tax. Things like the rampant grooming by bisexual and muslim gangs (grooming means taking the place of the father or mother in raising them) are more enabled while both parents are slaving away from home, rather than involved in their homes and community. Work quality and rewards in the type of career also are improved. Typically the best is when it turns into a family business. Children would be closer to seeing their parents in their trades as the best types of role models also.