Tell Senators to "VOTE NO" On New Definitions of Holy Matrimony!
Trampling our traditional "Unalienable Rights from the Creator", destroying Natural or Universal Law is off-limits within the Constitution
***Update 7/26:
Petition re-launched! Please sign with 1 click!
Subject of Petition: SENATORS PLEASE VOTE NO: On the Same Sex Marriage Bill, and any new bills that re-define Holy Matrimony! The radical leftist platform banned our petition. Thanks so much for your great support signing this protection for believers. However it's urgent if you could sign it again now on the Conservative platform CitizenGO, this one is Christian / Pro life etc and won't take it down. The criminals seek new ways to assault Christians everywhere under this new "Same Sex Marriage Bill". We were starting to get traction on our petition as we met the first few goals. Then suddenly removed our petition as now being in their "community standards". I actually was appauled the kind of community standards they have there. Mainly if it doesn't promote LGBTQ and promote other abominable sins against Nature and the Creator then it will be against their rules of operating. However Thanks and Praise be to God that He has preserved a Christian conservative Pro-Life Petition organization called CitizenGO. I've relaunched the petition now over there. It's going to get announced to our 5,000 subscribers in coming hours. I'd appreciate as many as possible who signed before, can sign again on this new petition. It is easy to sign and pass to more friends:
Please sign this petition. When it reaches the maximum signatures the Senate will be forced to respond and comply with the true Constitutional law(law from nature and only the rights as defined by the Creator). I believe this can have a major effect. Please share it with all your friends. Here’s the URL to the petition:
(old URL removed)
Update 23:00hrs July 23rd: Online petition has been launched on
Dear Readers,
My advice is don’t delay a moment getting out a message to your Senators. If you don’t have time to draft an email yourself, you can copy / paste the below. Don’t forget to put your contact details at the bottom:
You can find your Senators and contact details at:
Subject: Please vote NO on NEW DEFINITIONS of Holy Matrimony!
Dear Representative,
Please vote NO on creating new rights to re-define marriage. When will it end and how will it affect the next generations? Most importantly how will it NOT create discrimination against the believers who don't subscribe to the new definitions as a matter of conscience or religion? Public funded schools already are doing much more than forcing it down kids throats, the workplaces go straight in for what ever you pass as well. We're forced to say things against our religion or be fired from work. No one wants to say it because we're considered in the majority, and everything goes to lowest common denominator when it's at a base need level of items. So you are steamrolling over the Natural Rights Enumerated from the Creator in favor of artificial new unconstitutional rights made by men. How far will it go on depriving the rights of the rest of us, when there's no standard for Nature's law or the rights given by the Creator (as specified for legitimate posterity as defined in our laws for 400 years)? Must we throw all the foundations out the window or otherwise face a more harder persecution than the ongoing attacks on our Christian Original liberties, as explicitly written and defined?
Taking away the universal definitions takes away our Natural rights enshrined in our law of the land. Such an unconstitutional “Act”, while merely calling it constitutional is a fraud. This whole concept is still at an experiment stage, as it was illegal just a few years ago.
Even Hillary Clinton said she would NEVER endorse same sex marriage.
We demand your compliance with the Natural law and the Unalienable Rights that the Creator has defined in His word, as is universally known to all nations.
Prayerfully this cry goes to God,
Sign your name, address, phone number, email
Optional free educational content:
You may wish to include for them the Tree of Liberty Graphic and footnotes. Which conclusively prove citizenship, marriage, and residency were never considered rights for non-posterity communities. This remained the case, even 100-150 years after the passage of the 14th Amendment. If that was the Constitutional understanding we need all to be held to account to hold up this definition of our unalienable rights, which are only the ones that the Creator specified in His Holy Word. See: AMERICAN NATIONAL TREE OF LIBERTY ANALYSIS (a must see info graphic)
Send me an email and let me know if I should do a write-in run for Congress in 2022 or wait till 2024.
To advance the ideals I would stand for in Congress, I’m including some Paid (Subscribers only) Preview content:
Dr. Brunswick’s discussion with one Senator on Inter-Racial Marriage being illegal under the Constitution:
Dear Senator _____,
While it is my secondary estate there in _____, I want to get this information out to you which I believe is of a wider Congressional concern. There's a vote going on right now to make interracial marriage a protected new right.
However, it was rightfully understood by all 50 states, still 100 years after the passage of the 14th Amendment, that interracial marriage was a major crime nationwide. Till 1968 it remained punishable as a major felony in 28 states. Our US Founding Fathers ensured it was illegal to let our property pass to non-posterity communities. We did however make treaties and promote foreign communities even with higher diplomatic standing than our own. So we always elevate the foreigner as higher as they have always wished. However, it's an illegal crime against the Constitution and against the Natural rights and laws of our Creator that our posterity communities (not slave or foreign or non-Christian communities) would lose ownership to the lands of our country. That is a tactic of invasion, a tactic that is common through history as a way to conquer nations.
Therefore the new so-called legal status would deprive the specifically enumerated constitutional and natural rights given by the Creator as unalienable from us (the posterity community) as specified by US law and founders till 1968, besides the Alabama Constitution forbidding interracial marriage to be legalized till the year 2000. So we see the Martial law and invasion tactic to set each community against the other, and not give the standing they always wanted, which was not the forced integration. Instead the non-posterity communities are being set against the posterity based Nationals. However we should be promoting their self-determination / self governance they want, as is in harmony with all the laws. They should even get diplomatic immunities rather than forcing them to be "subjects".
The Senate is now meeting to vote to secure even further unnatural unions against the Creator and the universal laws. Not only are these not enumerated rights, but the founding fathers would have never considered these acts as "rights from the Creator", but consistently said it was "against Nature". The new ideologies from foreign interest groups have come artificially (not naturally) through coercions of those in league with Marxism. A main plank of the communist manifesto being removing all inheritance rights of the people (removing definitions of human, gender, posterity, limitless "guarantees" against the same, as installed by foreign owned interest entities. Even the Federal Reserve money system itself is privately owned by foreign big banking families as shareholders stationed abroad).
Congress (and the Senate) are performing contrary to the Constitution, per the explicit understanding 100 years after the passage of the 14th Amendment.
Illegal, illegitimate or unnatural unions which by law from 1607-1968 (2003, and other more recent cases incorrectly granted against the Glucksberg test, of unenumerated rights steam rolling over the enumerated rights of the rest of the population) and more if it attacks definitions of humans, genders and marriages as universal in all ages defined by Nature's God, the Creator which the FF enumerated and left unenumerated as fully passing the Glucksberg test as unalienable rights. These rights are now being greatly trampled and the populations usurped and coerced into forfeiting these, which are our very existence.
The Glucksberg test per the SCOTUS confirmed precedents, prove that the only unenumerated rights that are Constitutional would be "deeply rooted in the Nation's history and tradition" and "implicit in the concept of ordered liberty". Only those can be so guaranteed by the state, and the new limitless unimaginable "rights" are not to be guaranteed by the state as they attempt to do.
It wasn't till 1952 that the Naturalization Act was passed, which from 1790 till then had banned all non-posterity (defined "free white") communities from eligibility to citizenship. This was considered Constitutional from now until then as "deeply rooted" that there is no fundamental right to citizenship to any but free whites. The US Supreme Court in 1857 so strongly understood this, it recognized that African Americans weren't to get US Citizenship. They had a higher status, not as "subjects" as the 14th Amendment says. Another precedent from 1923 US v. Bhagat Singh remained in effect till 1952 that any non-whites who got citizenship through naturalization would be stripped of their citizenship, as it has never been a right, and in many cases it's considered not a priviledge, depending which community you come from.
It wasn't till another 13 years after the Naturalization Act, (a full 100 years after the passage of the 14th Amendment) that any states dreamed to take down the statutes that ensured felony prosecution of any suspects conspiring to commit inter-racial marriage. This was to protect our enumerated Constitutional rights against proxy seizures from non-posterity communities in transferring of our estates to those communities(which was was not only against America's law for 400 years, but also against the Creator's unalienable natural and universal laws of nations and of inheritance to legitimate people of your own community). The only way to completely follow the Constitution is while supporting equal elevation of all races. As when the 14th Amendment was passed equality was understood in Pres. Lincoln's letters to mean total independence from Whites, so the blacks could have their own system. That the emancipation would include providing a complete, self determination and freedom from all of White's society. The state system for Blacks Lincoln recorded more than a dozen times, included help to have their own state, and a true self government as they demand every day, everywhere. Till they get their own government I believe the blacks will continue to protest the forced integration programs. We should help all communities in what they want, equally. So we should promote the elevation and sovereignty of other communities, but not to the non-ordered depravation of the rights of our community of posterity, but ordered liberty of all.
I also attach the artwork of the Organic (non-GMO edited) Tree of Liberty analysis. As the laws and facts are clear what "liberty" meant.
Note: I'm considering running as a write-in candidate for Congress this year to get these hidden truths out to the people so they may decide and analyze their Representatives more accurately.
The main focus of my campaign would be not only empowering everyone as God created them in this area, but also helping ensuring there gets legal protections to combat the illegal transhumanism agenda of "forced / mandatory gene editing" for the whole world, which is now promoted by the NIH, Bill Gates, Schwaab and other top world leaders on the World Economic Forum. They say it's rolling out unchallenged. That is a grave threat to the liberty of Natural citizens’ law which comes from the Creator and also to their posterity which will be born with patented DNA of companies(the final blow of attack on our rights). As these world leaders plainly say as headlines at every event and every website, most affirmatively that the gene editing of this "4th Industrial revolution" " will change what it means to be a human". (WEF official main page: main promos compiled:
If I move back to ____ for a 2024 Congressional bid, then my campaign would include reaching directly to 100s of thousands of our citizens which overlap your constituents. These matters all consider (in unity) a great concern at the roots of all present issues.
Kind regards and God Bless all those who rightly divide the word of truth, for the true liberty (against bondage) for the Posterity of Peoples and Nations to the unalienable Natural rights enduring universal throughout all ages.
Dr Stephen Brunswick M.K. PhD
100 N. Dixieland Rd
Rogers, AR
I wrote on this at length here: Mandatory Gene Editing To “Change What it means to be a Human” says top world leaders.
Your involvement and feedback will help me decide on whether to announce candidacy and run for Congress.
We need a lot of signatures and deliver these to the Senate Speaker McConnel will get an email automatically as the signatures climb. It takes 2 clicks to sign, please forward it on.
petition has been launched on