Thoroughly Proven 1,200 Athletes "died suddenly" sometime after mRNA (false vax) gene therapy injection
List of well founded, proven and verifiable source stories for each death
This thoroughly proven data needs to be saved, as currently efforts are made to bring it offline.
Here’s the well founded / proven sudden cardiac deaths of almost 1,200 young va xxed Athletes. (According to the Olympic commission is more cardiac deaths than 35 years total.)
The "unfounded claims" by and a gazillion other sites burying this well proven article, is that there's "no link" yet proven to the vaccine. Sure like with most drugs it takes about 50 years till they get recalled. However, the open access to research the information and have “informed consent” is the only thing that separates the actions from being a “state coerced medical experiment”.
So they don't want you to make up your own mind, but have censored this article so no one can find anything about the athletes deaths, but say only without any proof that it's FAKE. They bury the story under hundreds of articles without any information, but bold claims.
However, in the link you will find the 100% proven cases of 1,600+ cardiac arrests of athletes. These are well founded proven cases of 1,6000 cardiac arrests (with news clippings for each case) over the last year , also with proof of vaccination.
There is a second list of “unproven vaccination status” which is not included in this number which is also quite lengthy, but you can also find it at the link. However it’s proven they are professional athletes etc.
Other countries with zero covid cases or deaths for more than a year (while Western cases piling up multi millions of deaths) we found those countries had ZERO mRNA gene therapy injections (recenly mis-labelled as “vaccines” under the emergency order, of the owners of their stock shares of Pfizer and Moderna, owned by hundreds of Government employees acting in willful corruption and collusion with those enemy nations that did not get the mRNA death shots).
Olympic data, of another 35 year window:
Still No Vax Genocide lawsuit, although Nuremberg medical experiments code, section 1 etc greatly violated, Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies
Jesus Christ said we must:
And Pray. Pray with us, and obey His command to “watch” that you may escape the ongoing calamities, in freedom to obey His laws in peace:
As we all daily pray “His Kingdom (place of His allowed governance, His laws for nations) be done on earth as in heaven” which “this day’s daily bread” is rooted in.