Tonight's Topic: "Protecting Children From Politically-Forced-Castration and Sex Trafficking"
7PM CST on "Our Father's Business"
Tonight our topic will be "Protecting Children From Forced Castration and Sex Trafficking"
We will get into upwards of 100 different laws as 100% in force and valid in all Common Law Nations (Western European) that ban any and all child abuse (an old practice to stop child drag queens since Christian Roman governors banned it at a time of it’s height). The laws cover just about any angle if any would attempt to sexually persuade, or carry out state medical experiments that amount to castration, while all psychologists unanimously agree that is no data on what it would do to children, and only that it’s “good for business”.
For each “transitioner” it provides big pharma with an estimated $250,000.00 in additional treatment in rich countries. This was celebrated as savior to the economy via the increased medical industry and control, as the banks heavily invested in, as part of Obama’s bakn bailouts. (While Obama and numerous in his cabinet themselves were child drag queens themselves, and put in members of the convicted felon child pedophillia traffikcing ring called “NAMBLA” in charge of school safety / or “Safe School Czar” who promoted numerous felonies on his watch which would give him life in prison many times over. Obama came out and said if Republicans took Congress he would be in jail (because he openly admits this is his agenda). Although illegal, and against the constitution which requires them to vacate or be removed for the true insurrection against the constitution, they have only increased their political rhetoric to push through several current political agendas (with legislation text affirming) as part of “new green deal / de-population agendas”, as most important to national security. Obama and Biden many times called the climate change de-population agenda as most crucial for national security, and that “Climate change is America’s greatest threat”. These practices are only carried out within the tyrannical overreach of unConstitutional overlords.
These Neo Liberal Political Leftist Extremists have sought to change definitions (and even make dictionaries printed in 2022 a hate crime to use. However, just the law, as written is in each and every case, a major crime, just to plot “transitioning underage kids”. The list of current penalties on the books, is so severe that in most states it carries up to life in prison. Only in some radical jurisdictions of political stunt advocacy groups having gotten in control, domineering all to a new impossible “reality” with no data to back it up, have some gotten away with these crimes, very temporarily. However, as we see the pendullum of justice swing, as in the overturn of Roe v Wade, there are no protected rights to do unnatural procedures against the Creator, and in conflict with the inalienable rights that came from Him and in all “engagements from before the Constitution” law the Bible as the law of the land etc (Article 6, Section 1) as “valid”.
Don’t be numb to their long tactical planning of these steps from foreign enemy regimes. Basic law enforcement is still available, any time you notice crimes committed, they can be enforced, and such overreach can be sued.
Although such henious acts against humanity (against children in their innocent time in life) in several foreign communist occupied zones, they don’t wish to stop there. There is now a strong effort to expand these sexual abuse crimes to other regions, so we are doing our duty to alert our audience to the clear and present danger.
This is for people to have basic awareness of local laws, that are for basic protections, to be used if or when the actual crimes do occur, for local law enforcement, not bound to politicians, but sworn solely to the Constitution of their States and Nation.
I hope you enjoy. Knowledge is power and the truth sets free.
Dr Stephen MK Brunswick
As always on the weekly broadcasts of “the Kingdom Message”, we continue to discuss the foundational covenants of the Kingdom. We cover those establishments of His word that we are told to pray “kingdom come on earth) or that His dominion comes down into our lives, as His body tabernacles as we are yielded to Him. As Christ said we must “seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness” (it’s not unattainable) till we be a full witness of it, and finally then the end will come (Matt 24:14).
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