WIFI WARNINGS For Women and Children! Simple Solutions!
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There are many articles about the covid destroying the blood just like the 5g does. Here are a few articles:
Dear Friends,
We are reaching out to those balanced Christian families who have a strong desire to do what is good. There is much ignorane about 4g and (now 5g) electrosmog. It is at the root of most of the new super bacterias. One new enzyme created by 4g radiation is called NDM-1, which created an armor for all bacterias to become super bacterias. This Microwave radiation that comes from Cellular and WIFI devices always makes super bacterias grow, and kills any kind of normal living cell (whether plant, animal, human, fauna and flora, etc). It was predicted by scientists swearing under oath before numerous governmants, 10 years ago that this innundation with microwave radiation would later produce some of the worst pandemics. If you do not choose to do what is good in your lives, but as a general rule you are seeking and choosing what you do know is bad, then please leave this page and do not proceed reading any further. If you want to correct this desire problem from the spiritual level, please get in contact with a Minister at one of our local assemblies.
There are several "Official EU Resolutions" (like EU Resolution 1815) approved to STOP and reduce WIFI. All EU member states are required to comply with these resolutions. There are many other official laws of nations that have first thoroughly demonstrated such results as found in all the following scientific studies and information. If your country isn't following the EU resolutions to reduce WIFI then they are putting some financial corruption above the health and welfare of your family. This is nothing new for governments, and we supposedly must always "check the warning label" before exposing ourselves to a wide array of products released to consumers. This is how this matter is currently mitigated to protect the industries and their private corrupt shareholders.
There's a lot on that from the scientists. Here's info from one scientist that every woman should know about. It's the same amount of radiation from ONE WIFI router that would be for a whole Cellular Phone Tower. So it's the same as having a whole cellular phone tower broadcasting in your living room!
Every woman should learn about this from microwave expert Barry Trowers who measures these. Watch it in the following video:
Most importantly he explains how it is Russian Roulette on the DNA and if it destroys DNA it is destroyed for ever to all the descendants of these women. He explains the damage it does to the ovaries, and how all schools should have WIFI removed immediately.
Also on all the safety instructions you purchased and agreed to not hold the phone company responsible, when you read it and did not complain. It says in their own safety instructions that came with your telephone or tablet A WARNING not to have the telephone touching your body. The studies done showed that even if it's a 150KG male it's still too much radiation. However, with children the radiation damage is much more urgent. We all know Apple cellular phones have a warning label never to let it touch your body, and use a separation clip if you want to carry it with you, so it doesn't touch the body. It says when using their tablets to keep them about 20 CM away from the body when using it.
SAMSUNG phones have the best radiation results, as it only broadcasts from the end outward form the body. However in any case it's best to follow the guidelines that came with your phone, not to let it touch your body and keep it at a distance always.
FOR WIFI THERE IS A SIMPLE SOLUTION: Just switch off the WIFI and use your FREE DATA Plans that come with every phone. Normally you get a few GB included, which is way more than enough for all the tasks.
You don't think it could happen? We all know about God's warnings for the end times. He said, "AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH....". Families have to always find shelter in the ongoing issues in every generation. However, some think that these days believers have no more risks. Why would there be more protections in the most sinful and wicked generations, when there weren't such protections in the past generations? We always have to look out for our families, and check what we agreed to, (like the phone warnings). We also need to learn about WIFI, as we are ultimately responsible. If a child is involved then it's 10x greater a judgement God will judge.
So once you've learned about this information you have a duty to correct your actions, confess your sins to God, and hope He can still heal you before it is too late. Simply disable the wifi option, and use an ethernet cable. It is not that hard. However many things people can never be healed from without much "prayer and fasting". Say the "our father prayer" three times a day, reflect on the meanings of each of the words, and then ask for His help through His son Yahshua. Then you are on the path of healing, by this regular daily practice. As God tells us to have daily prayers, and pray for "this day's daily bread" as well as confess and ask God forgive us the same ways we forgive the sins of others who have trespassed against us. We need these prayers every day for His help and healing. Christians have always prayed for this, and there's no reason to stop now!
However, if you don't stop the sins of hurting children or others with wifi, then you will not be forgiven. It is also proof maybe you aren't even saved in the first place, because once you've been converted you desire to do what is good moreso, not less. Remember, God's law is scientific, and He always deals with real world solutions, for "His will to COME, and be done on earth, as in heaven".
If you're stuck in a situation that has too much WIFI then just pray daily these prayers, and do everything with love from the heart. Sing and say the Daily SHAMA prayer(which Christ called the greatest commandment), recited at morning and evening. The main text we sing in the Orthodox Church of the Culdees is as follows,
"Hear(listen and obey) O Israel, YAHWEH our God, YAHWEH is One, and ye shall love YAHWEH your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength."
(This is so you remember to obey God first and only. Also to let His love fill your heart, and you will see some measure of protection through the love shield, the happiness and positivity. This is because you have chosen to put Psalms 91 active in your life, to dwell in His secret place. This will protect you also from WIFI of others outside your control. However, we all have a duty still to evangelize to them, and help all our fellow man.)
If you're not strong enough to handle this, you aren't strong enough to be a parent and should give your children to someone who is strong enough to not use WIFI or expose children to other harmful substances.
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) website has informationabout EMFs and cancer.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration website has information about workplace exposures to ELF-EMF.
The US Environmental Protection Agency website has information on power lines and other sources of EMF.
The European Commission also has general information on EMF.
The World Health Organization website also has information about EMFs and public health.
Selected References
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Updated: May 27, 2016